On April 20, 2023, our subproject in Medieval History, „Martyrdom and Voluntariness,” welcomes historians Sara M. Butler (Ohio State University) and Steffen Hope (University of Oslo) to Erfurt for a workshop entitled “Dying voluntarily in the Middle Ages”. Together, we will explore various forms of voluntary death and their medieval discour
About Sabine
Sabine Schmolinsky is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Erfurt. She specializes in concepts of spatio-temporality in medieval history, subject formation and self-testimonials, and medievalism in the modern era. She is currently working on religious violence and gender. Her recent publications include Sich schreiben in der Welt des Mittelalters. Begriffe und Konturen einer mediävistischen Selbstzeugnisforschung (Winkler, 2012).