On January 17, 2022, members of our group will participate at a digital workshop in Jena. A discussion of current challenges in volunteering will bring together a diverse range of experts – from the fields of practice and theory.
The Title “Neue Kultur des Helfens oder Schattenökonomie? Aktuelle Herausforderungen von Freiwilligenarbeit” immediately alludes to some of the research unit’s most crucial questions: How are people governed through voluntariness in our societies? How do modern capitalism and voluntariness relate to each other? What is our agency in all this?
If you are interested, feel free to enter the discussion and join the group via zoom on January 17, 2022, from 1 to 5 pm. Please register with Kristin Gürtler (kristin.guertler@uni-jena.de) from the University of Jena, at January 10, 2022, the latest.