Workshop “Freiheit – Unfreiheit – Freiwilligkeit” in Berlin

Two Upcoming Talks by our Group

On October 10, 2023, Jürgen Martschukat and Florian Wagner, PIs in our subprojects on “Voluntariness as Political Practice” and “Voluntariness and Repatriation”, are going to participate in a workshop on “Freiheit – Unfreiheit – Freiwilligkeit” at the Freie Universität Berlin. The program is organized by members of the project “Der globale Wandel der Kategorie ‘Zwangsarbeit’” at the Institute for Latin American Studies.

The workshop is planned to present work in progress and will show different perspectives on conceptions of freedom and discuss the central keywords freedom, unfreedom as well as voluntariness. In addition to the contributions on “Voluntariness as Political Practice: Being a Citizen in the Emerging USA” by Jürgen or the question of “Collectivization through Tradition? On the Indigenization of ‘Voluntary’ Labor in Late Colonialism” by Florian, empirical studies on different forms and historical-regional contexts of free and unfree labor will be the focus of the exchange.

Starting with a dinner on October 9, 2023, all panels will take place on October 10 from 9 to 5:15 pm. The group meets at the FU Berlin in the seminar room on the ground floor (Boltzmannstraße 1, 14195 Berlin). You are welcome to contact the organizing team for attendance or any further questions. Please write to Raffaela Pfaff (r.pfaff(at)

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Special Issue “Ausweisen – Rückführen – Abschieben”

What Else Is New?

Workshop “From Contested Ownership to (In)Voluntary Returns”

On October 24 & 25, 2024, we are happy to present an international workshop in co-operation with colleagues and research projects from Erfurt and Jena. Diverse topics, lectures and a panel discussion by guests from Africa and Europe will share interdisciplinary perspectives on the postcolonial fight for restitution and repatriation.

Research Day Voluntariness

On June 3, 2024, we invite fellow researchers to discuss voluntariness as focus of their research and compare goals and challenges of their projects. The research day will start at 10 am with a casual welcome into a full-day program, completed by an evening lecture by philosopher Jule Govrin.

Voluntariness 2.0 – Local and Global Perspectives

April 2024 has been the official kick-off for another three years of voluntariness research, funded by the German Research Foundation. Seven new or continuing projects will shape the new focus of the research unit’s second funding phase.