Workshop – Reflect Yourself!?

On July 13 and 14, 2023, the workshop titled “Reflect yourself!? Potentiale und Grenzen einer kritisch-reflexiven Public History” (“Reflect Yourself!? Potentials and Limits of a Critical-Reflective Public History”) will take place at the University of Erfurt. Exploring the research field of public history and its potential for (self)reflection in historical scholarship, both established scholars, junior researchers and students come together to discuss the topic in regard to their daily work and historical research.  Part of the organizing team is our research assistant Meike Katzek.

Both researchers and practitioners will be invited to share and discuss ideas, thoughts and experiences from their work contexts. Where and how does the concept of (self-)reflection get caught up in daily research and work, and what follows from reflection? Does reflection on one’s own point of view occur more as a contingent moment or is it structurally anchored? How does an internalized critical attitude express itself? Is it a silent companion or is it constantly under discussion and called into question? Or does it sometimes even appear to be an obstacle to the work process? These are questions that also challenge junior researchers of the research group in their work and whose perspective on voluntariness as a major topic of the present will contribute to the discussion at the workshop.

The thematic scope e.g. touches upon the question of ‘Who speaks?’, ambivalent solidarities, thoughts on (self)reflexive hermeneutics, positionality and participatory practices in museums, motion comics as work on memory, public history from the perspective of a sociology of inequality as well as citizen science as reflexive practice. The program will be complemented by a special guided tour at the ‘Gedenk- und Bildungsstätte Andreasstraße‘ and by the keynote address ” Hinter den Spiegeln: 15 Jahre universitäre Public History in Deutschland” by Christine Gundermann (Professorship f. Public History, University of Cologne) at the Coelicum in Erfurt (Domstraße 10, 99084 Erfurt).

On behalf of the organizing team Meike Katzek and Sophie Kühnlenz (both Department of History, U Erfurt) we cordially invite you to the workshop on July 13 and 14, 2023, at the International Meeting Center of the University of Erfurt (IBZ, Michaelisstr. 38, 99084 Erfurt). Please register via email until July 9, 2023 with Sophie Kühnlenz (

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Conference on Solidarity and Volutnariness in Graz

What Else Is New?

Workshop “From Contested Ownership to (In)Voluntary Returns”

On October 24 & 25, 2024, we are happy to present an international workshop in co-operation with colleagues and research projects from Erfurt and Jena. Diverse topics, lectures and a panel discussion by guests from Africa and Europe will share interdisciplinary perspectives on the postcolonial fight for restitution and repatriation.

Research Day Voluntariness

On June 3, 2024, we invite fellow researchers to discuss voluntariness as focus of their research and compare goals and challenges of their projects. The research day will start at 10 am with a casual welcome into a full-day program, completed by an evening lecture by philosopher Jule Govrin.

Voluntariness 2.0 – Local and Global Perspectives

April 2024 has been the official kick-off for another three years of voluntariness research, funded by the German Research Foundation. Seven new or continuing projects will shape the new focus of the research unit’s second funding phase.